Welcome to the IPL to Dallas Waterline Project Website
As part of the overall Integrated Pipeline (IPL) project, the IPL to Dallas Waterline will provide City of Dallas customers with reliable, cost-effective and safe water supply that will last for decades to come.
Dallas Water Utilities has partnered with Tarrant Regional Water District (TRWD) to develop an integrated transmission pipeline system (IPL) that will bring raw water from Lake Palestine, Richland-Chambers Reservoir and Cedar Creek Reservoir to supply water to DWU and TRWD facilities.
The IPL to Dallas Waterline Project will connect the IPL in northwest Ellis County to the Bachman Water Treatment Plant located in northwest Dallas.
Overall IPL Program
IPL to Dallas Waterline
Water is a critical resource that supports commercial, residential and agriculture interests and development. As the North Texas population continues to grow, updating and constructing water facilities is essential to meeting the region’s future water needs.